Preparing for your session
So you did it! You booked your photoshoot, now what? This guide will cover ways to prepare yourself both mentally and physically for your session. First thing to remember is that this is for you and all about YOU! It can be a little bit intimidating if you have never done a shoot before but I am here for you! You already did the hard part, reached out and set the date. I bet you will even feel a variety of emotions leading up to your session from fear to excitement. Take some calming breaths if you find yourself scared and remember why you wanted this.
A few things you need to know ;
You do not have to know how to pose yourself.
You do not have to know how to give the camera a sexy look.
You do not have to lose any weight.
You do not have to feel great about yourself.
You just need to be yourself.
You don’t need to worry about your skin, just make sure you moisturize. I will clean up any pimples or bruises in editing.
Some do's and don'ts to mentally prepare yourself for your session;
Let go of expectations for your session. Every session is different and has a different feel. Let things develop organically, and just enjoy the process.
Trust me and communicate with me. Trust, communication and connection are key to a positive experience.
Get comfortable with yourself. Leading up to your session stand in front of the mirror naked for a minute or 2 and repeat a self love mantra or affirmation to yourself. A personal favorite of mine is “I am enough” . Your body is amazing and tells one hell of a story, listen to it and be proud.
Get vulnerable. Vulnerability = growth. I am here for you.... to listen, to laugh, to cry
Eat prior to your session. Nothing you eat that morning, will show on camera. This is a workout, you are going to need a lot of energy.
Stretch! We will be bending and arching in all sorts of ways stretching in the days leading up to your session can help with posing and post session stiffness.
Over analyze. This is a breeding ground for negativity.
Talk negatively about your body or yourself, your body hears what your mind says.
Be afraid to act silly and have fun with it!
Have chipped nails.
How to be the best prepared possible for your session day!
Hair & Grooming Tips
From the hair on your head to between your thighs and down to our ankles we all have hair covering our bodies. I will not edit out your body hair, whether you prefer to keep things au natural or totally bare, your photos will be an authentic representation of this. Basically if you don’t want it showing in your images remove it.
Some general guidelines:
Waxing/sugaring: 3-5 days prior to your session is recommended to allow any redness and swelling to go down.
Shaving: Do this the night before or morning of depending on the speed of hair growth. Be sure to moisturize your skin to avoid razor bumps.
Cut & Color: If considering getting your hair cut or colored before your session this should be done 1-2 weeks prior to allow time for corrections just in case something goes wrong.
Body parts to assess: Head, eyebrows, mustache/chin, armpits, lady bits, legs
Day of
A soft and sexy curl is included in your session, please arrive with clean dry hair. If you have a different hairstyle in mind e-mail me at least 2 weeks ahead of time. Also if you are picky about how your hair is styled you can come with your hair already done.
Nails & Skin
Hydrate, moisturize, exfoliate and repeat!
A couple of few tips to get glowing skin;
Avoid alcohol and excessive salt in the 48 hours prior to your session to avoid water retention.
Drink plenty of water or lemon water. Hydrated skin photographs amazingly. If you are dehydrated, more texture will show on your skin.
Uses a gentle exfoliator on your face 2 days before your session. It helps get rid of any dry skin buildup on your face along with giving you a nice glow.
Follow your regular skin care routine the night before and the morning of your session.
Lotion and body oil are your best friend leading up to your session.
Hands & Feet
No chipped polish please, the hands play an important part in your session we use them to caress the skin and draw attention to details. We will also see the bottoms of your feet in many of the seated booty poses. A manicure or pedicure is optional but it is a good idea to at least scrub the bottoms of your feet with an exfoliator and moisturize.
Pro tip: A cheap solution from one nail biter to the next? Glue on false nails, shoppers drug mart sells really nice glue on falsies! Glue on nails are a great option if you don’t want to deal with gel/acrylic nails.
I prefer clients do not get a spray tan. Often times fake tanned skin photographs orange, and spray tans can damage my garments and bedding. If you do use a self tanner make sure that it is not streaky and is even as that is hard to correct in editing.
Pale skin photographs beautifully and I edit warmer as well so you will still look glowy and gorge. I do not photoshop tan lines away completely but I do soften them. I recommend you avoid excessive outdoor sun leading up to your session and ensure you wear sunscreen in direct sun.
Day of
Arrive with a clean moisturized makeup free face.
Get a good night’s rest before your session to avoid puffiness and bags under eyes.
Eat a good breakfast, brush your teeth and lips well before you arrive for makeup. This will allow your lip color to go on smoothly and stay better.
Bring Cash if you would like to tip your makeup artist.
Just as we choose to see others photos as beautiful we can choose to see our own that way too. Society has taught us through years of conditioning that we need to find our “flaws”, hate them and change them so we can reach an unattainable standard of beauty that is always changing.
“Because if you’re thin enough, then you don’t have that ass that everybody wants, but if you have enough weight on you to have an ass, then your stomach isn’t flat enough. It’s all just fucking impossible.” - Taylor Swift
What we tell ourselves, whether fact or fiction, reflects how we see ourselves in the world. When you find yourself speaking badly of yourself whether it is out loud or to yourself I want you to ask yourself if you would ever tell your best friend or your daughter the same things you are telling yourself. Probably not right? Change the dialogue, practice positive self talk and tell yourself how amazing you are! Because yes you are and it’s okay to scream it to the rooftops. You aren’t conceited or arrogant for being proud of yourself. We are taught to be timid and humble, I want you to be loud and proud of who you are and what you have achieved!
Affirmations and mantras have become one of my favorite daily practices. Everyday I generate 1-5 affirmations on my “Mantra-Daily Affirmations” app. I favorite the ones that resonate me the most and read them regularly. I also recommend listening to uplifting and inspiring podcasts.
Taking a break from social media or unfollowing accounts that trigger negative feelings in you can also be helpful to reset your mindset. Don’t forget to do some inner work and ask yourself “why”. Why is this account triggering this feeling? Is it that what they are putting out doesn’t match your values or is it an insecurity within yourself you need to analyze?
Your session will start in our closet, trying on options for outfits for your session. I have a variety of styles and sizes to flatter every size and body type. You are more than welcome to bring your own pieces to wear, however, the closet is so large that if you just come with the required undergarments, you will be set! Together we will decide what you will wear for your session.
Day of
Listen to fun and sexy music to get you pumped up! Remember it’s totally normal to be nervous. We will take it slow and only do what you are comfortable with. The most important thing to remember is to have fun with it!
Here are some do's and don'ts:
Bring a plain seamless nude and black thong to wear under items in our closet. I also have liners available in the studio for pieces that can’t be worn with a thong or if you can’t find one.
Bring items that fit you {If you bring anything at all}
Push yourself outside of your comfort zone (at least a little). Items such as a tight white shirt or tank can be super sexy.
Bring fun accessories like funky sunglasses, a cool jacket or a hat to help set the style or vibe of your session
Wear clear or spray on deodorant
Feel that you absolutely have to bring something
Bring in shapeless garments like jerseys
Worry about shoes, 99% of the time we shoot barefoot. We can or may incorporate a pair of sexy heels or boots for a portion of your session but is not necessary.
Day of
Arrive in loose fitting clothing that won’t leave impressions on your skin.